Why the name?

- because of all the cats and kittens that my daughter loves! 

How many cats and kittens we have?
- adopted our first cat from PAWS.  brought back 3 strays, that makes 3 cats.  One of them got pregnant and gave birth to 4 kiteens.  At that point, we have a total of 8!!
- now we are back to 3 - the original 3 (Haezal, Vhiskey and Callie).  The rest got adopted by some other families.
- these are the ultimate 3 princesses of the family.

Still, why the name?
- I once watched a cartoon of Tom and Jerry, where Jerry's uncle pulled Tom's whiskers to replaces his guitar string that broke!  I just have this crazy ideas that I can use our cat princesses whiskers to stitching my works - crochet or knitting or sewing..... yeah, crazy, I know!
- well so far, no dropping whiskers BUT plenty of dropped cat furs and these burnt my 2 vacuum cleaners within 3 weeks.

Here :


Cutest whiskers that cannot be stitched together!