a carrot - planted and grown


Chanced upon some books on amigurumi and here we go - a little carrot planted and grown!  Then, we decided we should crochet more of it, not just carrot, but anything at all!  So, now we have a lot to do, a lot to learn.  Totally bowled over by the ideas!

So, my daughter Shaunie and I thought we should have a place to share  the excitement and joy of handicrafts. I've learn crochet from my mom but left the art untouched for years.  I'm now sharing it with Shaunie.  We are starting out together - for me, again, for her, a new hobby.

Shaunie picked out this carrot from a book we bought  '爱不释手的毛线娃娃' by' 米达' .  I made one with the pot, sewed on the eyes (haven't time to buy the plastic eyes yet!) and looks okay :D

That got Shaunie moving and this is her carrot, she called it the rotten carrot because she used a brown yarn.  I thought,  for someone who just started learning crochet, this is a piece a work to be proud of!

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